Monday 16 January 2012

Best airport yet... All 15 mins...

Dusseldorf, like a German car, was made well. Functional, clean aesthetics, and very easy to use with the signage very clear and precise. The materials used will age well and carry a sense of firm elegance. Airport envy after the LAX, JFK and Newark experiences. Sydney international on the other hand was out of this world amazing- no wonder people think Aussies drink a lot, a huge duty free booze mall.

Very efficient changeover- we did not get a chance to sit and two customs stops took 10 mins. Bus to the airport on the runway- the 737-300 feels like a cesner after the cattle truck from USA.

More stamps in the passport.

Have just arrived in London after a short flight back over the water. Sunday morning here so customs was a breeze.

Off to find our hotel now, get some lunch, and try and stay awake all day on 1 hour sleep. suck it up!!!

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